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Deal Radio Street Side Radio For The World
Yes they keep telling me – I’m old, very old. I remember walking down Pall Mall holding my nanny’s hand. I was waving a little Union Jack flag at Queen Victoria as her coach went past on her diamond jubilee.
Although I am old I have the theoretical heart and the mentality of a child. Therefore I was thrilled when I found out Mr. Bubbles was coming to town. I cleverly thought that if I took my neighbours children to the show nobody would realize it was just a cover for me, me, and me to see the fabulous soap sphere maker.
At the last minute one of the neighbours little monsters, sorry I mean children, decided they did not want to come. So I emailed Mr. C’s lovely wife Chloe and asked her and their children along. They were delighted to come and much to my extra pleasure it was Benjie’s birthday.
Mr. Bubbles is actually a one time Israeli soldier called Eran. As you can imagine he has seen the darker side of life and has been in some seriously dangerous situations. Despite the past he is a warm friendly man who loves travelling the world with his wife entertaining children (and adults!). Throughout the whole of his show the audience could not take their eyes of him or the bubbles – which came in a wide variety of sizes. I particularly enjoyed the ones he filled with helium, which rather than drift to the floor and burst rose to the ceiling to explode. I can’t really explain why but watching bubbles is rather therapeutic and relaxing. There was always a gasp from the audience when each new type of bubble appeared, particularly some giant bubbles the size of small airships. I can’t actually explain how but Eran also made a square bubble by blowing smoke into the centre of a frog spawn cluster. All I can say is go and see the show and try explaining it to someone else.
Throughout his performance Mr. Bubbles regularly gave out positive messages to the youngsters, which I trust will help them form positively in the future.
I had interviewed Eran a few weeks previously and we got on very well. He invited me and my guests to join him after we saw the show and he told me he would put each of us in a bubble – well how can you turn down an offer like that!
When all the happy youngsters, with smiles on their faces, left the theatre my gang and a few other privileged guests waited in eager anticipation for the bubble maestro take to the stage again. We were all secretly excited but I doubt the adults would admit it. Anyway the result is pictured below and we all had a fun time.
Thank you Mr. Bubbles for putting a great show and for putting some childish delight in my heart and memory.
Richard Sirot.
Written by: Richard Sirot
The UK singles chart commenced in November 1952 and there has always been a number single every week since.
closeGuilty Pleasures is a weekly 2-hour radio show that plays some of those songs you don’t hear on UK radio very often & others that will make you turn up the radio they are so good.
closeAn end of day wind down, 2 hours of cultured music and cool vibes to help you relax and chill out, with old and new music and stuff from around the world.
closeA selection of new artists and new releases from around the world. Submitted via the Groover online platform.
closeThe perfect Monday night rock show to cure those Monday Blues.
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